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Safety Tips for Parents

Back to School Safety

Back to School? Tips For Parents, Caregivers and Children:

Many children are walking and biking to school. Younger children often lack the skills to negotiate traffic safely. Help them by stressing the following safety rules:

  • Walk on sidewalks where available.
  • Always cross at intersections.
  • Always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle.
  • Always walk your bicycle across a roadway.
When crossing intersections without signals or crossing guards, children should:
  • Stop before stepping into the road
  • Increase your visibility and indicate your crossing intention to motorists
  • Look in all directions before crossing
  • Stop, Look and Listen for traffic
  • Cross safely when the road is clear
  • Walk, don?t run, across the road
  • Where possible, use the buddy system

When crossing intersections with signals, children should:

  • Push the pedestrian button (where they exist)
  • Wait for the pedestrian walk sign
  • Increase visibility and indicate your cross intention to motorists
  • Stop, Look and Listen for traffic
  • Watch for turning cars or trucks
  • Cross safely when the road is clear
  • Walk, don’t run across the road

When crossing with the assistance of adult crossing guards and student safety patrollers:

Cross only under the direction of the guard

Railway Crossings:

Many children in our communities must cross railway tracks daily. Ensure children are taught the only safe place to cross railway tracks is at a designated crossing.

For Drivers:

Back to school means more children walking and biking on our roads. Younger children often have limited experience with traffic and lack the skills to negotiate traffic safely. Motorists need to take special care while driving. Help our children walk safely to school by following these important safety rules:

  • Be aware of school zone signage.
  • Reduce speed in school zones.
  • Be ready to stop at all times. Children do not always notice oncoming traffic.
  • Always try to make eye contact with children waiting to cross the road.
  • Be patient and wait for children to complete their crossing before proceeding.
  • Stop when directed to do so by a crossing guard.

Back to School Safety Tips