- March 3, 2025
Total calls for service – Belleville Police responded to 193 calls for service between 5:00 am on February 28, 2025 to 5:00 am on March 3, 2025.
Break & Enter
On February 28, 2025, at 6:30am, the Belleville Police were called to a business on Dundas Street West in regards to a break and enter. Police found the front door of the business smashed out. A computer tablet and some food were stolen from the business. Police are continuing to investigate. If anyone has any information, please contact Constable Sandercock of the Belleville Police at 613-966-0882, extension 4251 or rsandercock@bellevilleps.ca .
Warrants / Assault Police
On February 28, 2025, at 2:00pm, Belleville Police were called to a business in the industrial park. A third party contacted police to report an assault that took place in the parking lot of the business. The investigation revealed that the male accused and female victim were involved in a relationship. The accused, a 34-year-old man from Belleville, was arrested and charged with domestic assault. The accused will appear in court in April. 2025.
Suspended Driver
On March 1, 2025, qt 7:45am, Belleville Police stopped a vehicle on North Front Street in regards to a traffic violation. A record check of the driver revealed that they were under driving suspension and that an interlock alcohol screening device was supposed to be installed in the vehicle. As a result of the stop, a 35-year-old Belleville resident was charge with suspended driving and driving without an interlock device. The vehicle was impounded for 45 days and the accused will appear in court in April 2025.
Road Rage & Firearm
On March 1, 2025, at 13:30pm, Belleville Police were called to the Quinte Mall parking lot in regards to a road rage incident. The incident began somewhere between Trenton and Belleville. The complainant eventually pulled in the mall parking lot and was followed by the suspect vehicle. The suspect began to circle the complainant in an aggressive manner. The complainant got out of their vehicle, which prompted the suspect to exit his vehicle. At that time, the suspect pulled a firearm out from his waistband and the complainant jumped back into his vehicle and immediately called the police. The suspect immediately fled the scene.
Through investigation, the Belleville Police have identified the suspect vehicle and the suspect as well. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of the suspect.
Stolen SUV
On March 2, 2025, at 4:30pm, Belleville Police attended a residence on Sills Road in regards to a stolen vehicle complaint. The investigation determined that sometime between March 1, 2025 and March 2, 2025, a Black 2018 Audi Q5 SUV, licence plate Ontario CCZE 042, was stolen from the driveway of the residence. The stolen vehicle is similar to the picture included. If anyone observes this vehicle, please call the police immediately.