Emergency: 911 ~ Non-Emergency: 613-966-0882

Request a Paid Duty Officer

Terms and Condition

Rates shall be reflective of the base rate for First Class Constable, Sergeant 1 and Staff Sergeant 1 contained in the current Belleville Police Service Contract. *All rates are subject to a four (4) hour minimum per officer. The current Police Constable Rate as of March 1, 2025 is $84.00/hr.

Current Fees: Police Cruiser $51.00/hr.; Police Motorcycle $46.00/hr.; Police Bicycle $30.00 flat rate; Administration Fee 20% of total amount owing; HST 13% of total amount owing; Late Notice Request Fee $75.00.

If the pay duty continues past the requested end time by the requester, at fifteen minutes past the hour, an additional hourly rate (for each extra hour worked and the applicable administration fee) shall be invoiced.

Sec. 18.3 Requesters are subject to a minimum cost of four (4) hours and administration fees for each officer requested if a cancellation or reduction of officers notice is not received at least forty-eight (48) hours before the paid duty service is scheduled to begin.

Sec. 2.13 Paid Duty Short Notice Request refers to a paid duty request received by the Operations Secretary or designate, or Officer in Charge 72 hours or less than the scheduled start time of the paid duty assignment.

Sec. 18.4 Requesters making a paid duty short notice request as per Section 2.13 of this procedure shall be charged a paid duty short notice administrative fee of $75.00 in addition to all other fees normally charged.

After completion and submission of the form below, we will contact you to verify and confirm the information provided.
Contact Information of Requester

Event Details:

Electronic Signature:

Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Police Services Act, s.41 and is collected for the purpose of processing this paid duty request. Questions concerning this collection should be directed to the Belleville Police Service